Agenda - Health, Social Care and Sport Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: 21 March 2019

Meeting time: 09.15
For further information contact:

Claire Morris

Committee Clerk

0300 200 6355



Informal pre-meeting (09.15 - 09.30)




1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest




2       Community and district nursing services: Evidence session with the Royal College of Nursing Wales

(09.30 - 10.30)                                                                           (Pages 1 - 31)

Lisa Turnbull, Policy and Public Affairs Advisor, Royal College of Nursing Wales

Sue Thomas, Primary and Community Care Advisor, Royal College of Nursing Wales

Anwen Jenkins, Senior District Nurse and Royal College of Nursing member


Consultation Responses


Research Brief

Paper 1: Royal College of Nursing Wales



Break (10.30 - 10.45)




3       Community and district nursing services: Evidence session with representatives of Local Health Boards

(10.45 - 11.45)                                                                         (Pages 32 - 42)

Rhiannon Jones, Director of Nursing, Powys Teaching Health Board

Lesley Lewis, Head of Nursing Primary Care and Localities, Cwm Taf University Health Board

Jo Webber, Head of Nursing for Primary and Community Division, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board


Paper 2: Powys Teaching Health Board

Paper 3: Cwm Taf University Health Board

Paper 4: Aneurin Bevan University Health Board



Break (11.45 - 12.30)




4       Community and district nursing services: Evidence session with Welsh Government officials

(12.30 - 13.45)                                                                         (Pages 43 - 51)

Dr Andrew Goodall, Director General for Health and Social Services / NHS Wales Chief Executive, Welsh Government

Professor Jean White, Chief Nursing Officer and Nurse Director of NHS Wales, Welsh Government

Paul Labourne, Nursing Officer, Primary and Integrated Care, Welsh Government


Paper 5: Welsh Government



5       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 (vi) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of this meeting




6       Community and district nursing services: Consideration of evidence

(13.45 -14.00)                                                                                                 





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